Abigayle Tarsches Photography Redesign

Updating the Website for Abigayle Tarsches Photography

The Problem

Abigayle Tarsches wanted to feature more of her photography on her website. She also wanted her website to focus on the versatility of her work, and to express a little more of her personality.

When her website needed to be rebuilt due to an outdated theme, it was the perfect time to give her website a little face lift.

The Goal

Although Abigayle wanted to keep the same general style of her current website, she also wanted the website to have a cleaner and more contemporary feel to it. She also wanted to draw people in by focusing on her photography as a form of art.  But, she didn’t want a complete overhaul of the site.

The Solution

We ultimately decided to rebuild the site using the updated version of her previous theme, Rosemary 2 by FloThemes. Because it was a major overhaul of the theme, we had to create most of the pages. This gave us the opportunity to implement the changes Abigayle Tarches wanted on her website.

Abigayle Tarsches Photography Website Screenshots

The End Result

In a short amount of time, we were able to transform the website into the vision Abigyale had when we started. The website complements her work and draws attention to it, instead of taking your focus elsewhere.

Because we kept the same theme, Abigayle is able to keep her portfolio updated with her new work with minimal effort.

Take a look at this video of her home page, and be prepared to be wowed by her talent and photography. Abigayle is a fantastic artist, photographer and person. It was an honor and a lot of fun working with her on this project.

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