Website Redesign for SmartFirm IT

Redesigning the Website for SmartFirm IT

The Problem

The old website for SmartFirmt IT was built using a templated website-as-a-service platform for IT professionals, and the subscription was ending.  Dan Defay of SmartFirm IT wanted to move his website over to a self hosted WordPress website so he would have more control over his website.

SmartFirm IT was also going through a rebrand, and wanted the new website to reflect the new branding.

The Goal

Dan wanted a more unique and contemporary look for SmartFirm IT’s website, and he wanted the website to have the flexibility to add more functionality and features as he needed it.

Dan also wanted to narrow down his niche and rework all of his content.

The Solution

Our first step was taking the time to narrow down the audience for the new website. Then, we worked together to fine tune the services provided and how those services ultimately help his clients. Afterwards, we put together his content that he continues to revise and improve.

We picked a contemporary style for the new design that would appeal to his clients. Then, I designed and built the website in WordPress using the Elementor page builder. Using Elementor gave Dan the flexibility to go in and edit the website on his own when he wants.

Elementor also gives us the flexibility to design the website the way we want, and to add and integrate the marketing functionality he plans for the future.

SmartFirmIT Website Mockup

The End Result

We ended up with a website that represents SmartFirm IT’s brand and that SmartFirm IT is happy to share with prospective clients! Also, we have been able to integrate the third-party tools SmartFirm It uses to serve its clients.

Finally, SmartFirm IT has a worry-free website that they can update on their own. SmartFirm IT takes advantage of my website management services, so that the website is always up to date and running smoothly.

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