How Cheap Hosting Is Bad For Your Business

Are You Getting Lured In By Cheap Web Hosting?

Cheap and budget web hosting sounds like a good idea at first. Who doesn’t like to save money?

But why do we think our monthly web hosting should cost less than we’d spend on our daily trip to Starbucks? But, if you stop and think about it, web hosting is too important for you to be cutting corners.

I’d like to tell you why.

Web Hosting Is Important

Your web host keeps the lights on and the doors open to your online presence. You don’t want your potential customers to visit a site that isn’t working. Likewise, you don’t want your website to be so slow to load, the new customers just click away. These are common problems with cheap web hosting.

In short, bargain web hosting is going to cost you time and potentially lost customers if your website isn’t working fast enough or isn’t even working at all.

Common Problems with Bargain Web Hosting

Women frustrated at computer

Website Performance

Cheaper web hosting is almost always shared web hosting. This means your website is sharing resources, like bandwidth and memory, with a bunch of other websites. Those other websites could hog up all the resources, leaving your website with not enough resources to run properly.

Think of it like an old telephone party line, where everyone is trying to tap into the same phone line. You just keep your fingers crossed that your website responds when someone asks to see it. If there are not enough resources to load your website properly, your website might just open incompletely, with things all haywire or wonky, or just not load at all.

I don’t think that’s the impression your want leave with your potential clients?

Website Security

Let’s face it. The internet is full of hackers, bots and bad players. Automated bots are sent out every day to break into millions of websites. You don’t want yours to be one of them.

Cheap web hosts leave your website security up to you. To be fully protected, you’ll need to purchase website security plugins. Then, you’ll need to set up the plugins and monitor the status of your website. You’ll be in a constant cycle of updates and monitoring.

Do you have time to do that? Do you want to pay someone else to do that for you?

Website Support

While your favorite shared web host might claim to have great support, when it comes down to it, you’re probably going to wait in line for someone to respond to your chat request.

And, because the website performance is often poor with these web hosts, you’re going to be contacting support more often than you might think.

Even if the host has good support, they’re often going to ask you to log into a cPanel, modify a PHP file, or edit your robots.txt. Do you even know what that means? (It’s totally okay if you don’t. That’s geek speak).

Website Backups

Often, your bargain web host offers backups. But they backup your website on the same server where your website is hosted. Sometimes only monthly.

But, websites should be backed up daily. And not to the same server where your website lives. What if that server crashes? You’ve lost both your backup and your website.

And, if your website crashes and needs to be restored, your host will likely charge you to restore the website for you if you are using one of the cheaper hosting plans.

Trust me – this is a headache you don’t want to face.

Ease of Use

Most affordable web hosts use a tool called cPanel to manage your hosting account and email. While cPanel is powerful and flexible, you have to know how to use it. It’s got lots of apps for you to use, but it isn’t necessarily that user friendly.

Do you want to spend your time poring over support docs just so you can perform some basic tasks?

Managed WordPress Helps Your Business

Success. People high fiving.

Contrary to what a lot of people are saying out there, Managed WordPress website hosting isn’t just for big businesses. In fact, I believe it helps small businesses even more than big businesses who have unlimited resources to get help.

For just the cost of a few more cups of coffee per month, you can save time and frustration. You’ll also keep your website visitors happy with a fast and reliable website experience.

Here are just a few ways managed WordPress hosting will help your business.

Great Website Performance

Your website will be faster. You will have more resources, and sometimes your own resources, dedicated to your website. That means there will always be enough bandwidth and memory available for your website. Managed hosting also does work on the website server to speed up your website, like caching.

Managed WordPress hosts also work hard in the background to keep things running perfectly for WordPress. They just take better care of your website, such as keeping things like the WordPress core updated for you to keep things running smoothly.

In fact, once I switched over to managed WordPress hosting, my site is almost never down. That’s what I want!

Secure Websites

Website security is done. It’s handled for you at the server level. Most managed WordPress hosts manage most, if not all, of the security issues for you. You don’t need to worry about purchasing security plugins or monitoring them. Some hosts even can fix things if you get hacked.

How much peace of mind does that give you?

Better Website Support

While I can’t promise you will get better support with every managed WordPress hosting service, most managed WordPress hosts provide good support to excellent support. If you want to know which hosts provide the best support, talk to a WordPress professional. We’re usually glad to help!

For example, at Site Ground Hosting, you’ll get someone on chat usually in a matter of minutes. Others hosts, like Liquid Web, also have solid reputations for providing excellent support.

Simpler Hosting Dashboards

Most managed WordPress hosts have their own user interface for managing your web hosting account. These interfaces are much easier to use than cPanel, although they still give your web developer the features he or she will need to do more technical things if you need it.

But you shouldn’t feel lost or overwhelmed if you log in. You can figure it out! And remember, help is usually just a chat away.

Offsite Daily Backups

Managed WordPress hosts almost always backup your website daily, and usually to a third party source. This is good!

And, their account dashboards usually offer one-click restores if you ever need to restore a backup. So you can rest easy knowing should something go wrong, a backup is just a click away.

If you don’t believe me, what this great video from Flywheel Hosting, one of my recommended web hosts:

Is Your Website Worth It?

I say yes! What’s the first place people go when they learn about your business? Often it’s your website.

You want your website to load fast and to just work.

You don’t want your website to get hacked. Period.

If something goes wrong, you want to be able to fix it and get help.

You don’t want to dread logging into your web hosting account just to do simple things.

If you’re ready to just invest a little more in your website per month to help your business, these are some webs hosts I currently recommend:

Flywheel Hosting (This is an affiliate link)

Site District Hosting


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