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Category: Blogging and Design 101

Colorful Clocks
Blogging and Design 101

Six Surprising Ways A Website Saves Time

It’s not crazy to suggest that a website can save time. If you use your website wisely, you can implement six time saving techniques you may not have thought of. So let’s take a look at how a website can save time!

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Doodled strategy
Blogging and Design 101

Do You Have a Website Strategy and Plan?

Building a website is a lot like building a house. Very few of us would build a house without first thinking about what we need, creating a floor plan, and carefully choosing our building materials and contractors. As a smart website owner, you should also take the time to create a plan and a strategy for your website.

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Women Jumping to Show Success
Blogging and Design 101

Build A Smart Website for Growth

You know how you used to use the Yellow Pages to find businesses? Now, you turn to Google. You know you need a website, but is it working for you? Learn how to build a smart website designed for growth.

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Set Up Your Blog For Success
Blogging and Design 101

How To Set Up Your Blog for Success

Some of us love to write, so we decide to blog. Sometimes we continue to blog just to feel like we’re doing something for our business. But without a plan, we could be wasting our time.

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Mistakes New Bloggers Make
Blogging and Design 101

How to Avoid Three Mistakes New Bloggers Make

I see three common mistakes new bloggers make without realizing it. I know – starting a blog or website is sometimes overwhelming. You have a lot to learn, and you’re anxious to get up and running quickly. So, you look for some shortcuts, like free or boiler plate websites, or you blog on social media. Unfortunately, you don’t see the results you want from your new endeavor. It’s easy to fix.

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WordPress 101 Title Image
Blogging and Design 101

Does Choosing Make Sense?

I’ve learned it’s worth taking the time to choose the right platform for your blog or website. Although many experts will advise against choosing, I believe sometimes it’s the right choice.

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