The Reading Room

Category: Insights from a Solopreneur

Insights from a Solopreneur

The Trouble With Overnight Success Stories

Overnight success stories are popular. We tend to think they’re great motivators. But, do overnight success stories really motivate us or can they discourage us instead? Do they represent a false reality, a false hope, or just braggadocio? I know I’m not supposed to ask this question out loud, but I think it’s worth talking about.

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Woman Sitting on Clock
Insights from a Solopreneur

How I Learned to Value My Time

I am the ultimate DIYer. But over the last year, I’ve learned I just can’t do everything myself and build a profitable business. My time is as much an asset to my business as my accounts receivable. It was time to value my time.

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Writing is like riding - living my story
Insights from a Solopreneur

Writing Is A Lot Like Riding

As I headed out on my weekend bike ride the other day, I noticed a familiar sensation. Just a few minutes into the ride, I felt my mood improve and my spirits lift. I get the same feeling when I write.

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