The Reading Room

Woman Sitting on Clock
Insights from a Solopreneur

How I Learned to Value My Time

I am the ultimate DIYer. But over the last year, I’ve learned I just can’t do everything myself and build a profitable business. My time is as much an asset to my business as my accounts receivable. It was time to value my time.

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Tutorials For Your Next Project

Are You Ready for Gutenberg?

Gutenberg is the new editor coming soon to WordPress. Are you ready for it? Learn about Gutenberg and how to use the classic editor until you’re ready to switch.

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Desktop Items - How to Use Evernote Web Clipper
Tutorials For Your Next Project

How to use the Evernote Web Clipper

In this 10 minute tutorial, I want to show you how I use one of my favorite features of Evernote, the Web Clipper for Chrome. I love it, and I think it’s one of the features of Evernote that saves me the most time and frustration.

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Notebook and Pen
All About Content

How to Tell Your Buyer’s Story (Updated April 2021)

I believe your website is the perfect place to tell stories. By seeing your buyer’s journey as a story, you can deliver your message and your value in the same way our favorite stories connect with us. It’s almost like giving a gift to your audience – inviting them in to connect with you.

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HubSpot Idea Generator Main Page
Tutorials For Your Next Project

Boost Your Creativity with HubSpot’s Blog Idea Generator

Have you ever stared in front of your computer screen struggling to come up with your next blog topic? I know I have! I’ll have a general vague idea about what I want to write about, but I just can’t seem to get started. Hubspot’s Blog Idea Generator to the Rescue.

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Women Jumping to Show Success
Blogging and Design 101

Build A Smart Website for Growth

You know how you used to use the Yellow Pages to find businesses? Now, you turn to Google. You know you need a website, but is it working for you? Learn how to build a smart website designed for growth.

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New Services Line Up

News Services Line Up to Simplify WordPress

I started Share Your Story Media to empower very small business owners and independent professionals to share their stories on line by making it easy and affordable to get a website up and running.  After being in business for awhile now, I’ve noticed a few places where my clients get stuck. I decided to change that.

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Elementor Tutorial Videos
Tutorials For Your Next Project

My Favorite Elementor Video Tutorials (Updated!)

The Elementor Page Builder Plugin is one of my favorite tools for building WordPress websites. It’s feature-packed, even with the free version. I think it’s also easy to use. However, sometimes we need a little help. Check out this collection of great Elementor Video Tutorials.

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Set Up Your Blog For Success
Blogging and Design 101

How To Set Up Your Blog for Success

Some of us love to write, so we decide to blog. Sometimes we continue to blog just to feel like we’re doing something for our business. But without a plan, we could be wasting our time.

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Mistakes New Bloggers Make
Blogging and Design 101

How to Avoid Three Mistakes New Bloggers Make

I see three common mistakes new bloggers make without realizing it. I know – starting a blog or website is sometimes overwhelming. You have a lot to learn, and you’re anxious to get up and running quickly. So, you look for some shortcuts, like free or boiler plate websites, or you blog on social media. Unfortunately, you don’t see the results you want from your new endeavor. It’s easy to fix.

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Pinterest Share Dream Inspire
Learn About Useful Tools

Why I Started Using Pinterest for Blogging Traffic Growth

I didn’t plan to start using Pinterest for blogging. When I saw a random blog post about how bloggers benefit by using Pinterest, it caught my eye. Pinterest is a search-oriented place where users go to discover ideas and solutions. While it is image-centric, Pinterest is also hyperlink heavy. This means bloggers have loads of opportunity to drive traffic to their blogs. I obviously liked this benefit.

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Writing is like riding - living my story
Insights from a Solopreneur

Writing Is A Lot Like Riding

As I headed out on my weekend bike ride the other day, I noticed a familiar sensation. Just a few minutes into the ride, I felt my mood improve and my spirits lift. I get the same feeling when I write.

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WordPress 101 Title Image
Blogging and Design 101

Does Choosing Make Sense?

I’ve learned it’s worth taking the time to choose the right platform for your blog or website. Although many experts will advise against choosing, I believe sometimes it’s the right choice.

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